例(1)How serious did the author predict the annual vehicle theft could be in the United States in 1989? (1997年1月六有题73)
In 1987,……If current trends continue, experts predict annual vehicle thefts could exceed two million by the end of the decade.
背面提到了1987,可知the end of the decade指80年代末,即1989年;exceed two million是关键词。因此谜底可以为:Over two million vehicles could be stolen.)
例(2) What belief about pet behavior was unacceptable to experts of animals behavior? (1997年7月六级简答题S4)
(申明:此题谜底在漫笔末了一段第二、第三句话中就能直接找到。In short, do household pets really have a mental and emotional life? Their owners think so, but until recently, animal-behavior experts would have gone mad on hearing such a question.此两句话中,前一句"have a mental and emotional life"是关键词句,后一句话:"have gone mad"默示动物专家的立场,"such a question"指前一句话内容。考生找到这些关键词句,谜底就出来了:That animals have a mental and emotional life.)例(3)What type of security system can help the police track down a stolen car? (1997年1月六级题75)(申明:此题属论述、描绘性毕竟细节题,漫笔末了一句供给了谜底:In some states, you may be able to use a device that transmits radio signals, allowing stolen cars to be tracked by police.句中"allowing stolen cars to be tracked by police"和题干中"help the police track down a stolen car"意义邻近,只是句式、用词作了变更,"transmits radio signals"是关键词,故谜底:The transimitting radio signals.)(2)因果型的题目漫笔中能直接找到缘故原因或功效。每每表缘故原因的关键词有:for that reason, for, as, because, since, as a result of, owing to, thanks to等。表功效的关键词有:as a result, therefore, consequently, thus, accordingly, so。考生阅读时要留意这些词背面的内容。
例(1)Why are newsIT considered as an important medium according to the passage? (1998年6月六级简答题S2)
(申明:此题用why来发问,漫笔中好像没有because……回应句。但考生在第一段应该会看到如许一句话:Of all the media, television is clearly dominant, with newsITs a close second, at least as a source of news and other information.此句中心接谈到"newITs"的感化"as a source of news and other information",as是重要标记,因此题干谜底即为:Because they are a source of news and other information.例(2)Why was it easy for boats to tumble over in the Colorado? (1998年1月六级简答题S2)(申明:此题在漫笔第一段中没有出现任何表因果干系的连词,但文中有两处关键的话,即,all of us naturally set aside any pretenses(虚伪) and put out backs into ever stroke to keep the boat from tumbling over. "此处考生要晓得keep… from…之意,防止…被…",……working together to cope with the unpredictable twists and turns of the river.前一句话表示出划子极易"tumble over",后一句话表明河流有:"the unpredictable twists and turns",故谜底为:Because the rivers is full of twists and turns.)(3)范例型题目:需要归结综合谜底的。默示举例的关键词有:for example, such…as, for instance, that is, as follow等。考生对这些词背面的内容要留意。
例(1)For one reasons or another, people’s exposure to the media is often _______. (1998年6月六级简答题3)
(申明:此题文中第二段首句就凸起了主题:There are various factors that can cause you to expose yourself to the media selectively,…….然后指出缘故原因:…… is probably due to the psychological pressure…. However,… but to other factors, such as….考生只需找到"selectively"、"due to…"、"other factors"、"such as"等词,就可以填完题干句,即… is often selective and influenced by different factors.)例(2) What caused the sharp conflict in the GM plant in the late 1970s? (1998年1月六级简答题S4)(申明:此题的谜底需要从文中所举例子前后经由的描绘中本领归结综合出来。文顶用For example道失事变经由:For example, in the late 1970s a General Motor plant in Fremont, Calif, was the scene of constant warefare between labor and management. Distrust ran so high that the labor contract was hundreds of pages of tricky legal terms.……关键词有"Distrust"、"high"、"tricky"。别的,上一段"the teamwork is the key to IT dreams come ture"也很重要,因为所举例子是论证此不雅观点的,故考生可归结综合出谜底:Distrust and lack of teamwork)(4)比较比较型题目:比较比较目标在于所触及的两个事物之间的不合或类似之处,进而申明主题.表比较的关键词有:however、nevertheless、in contrast、 on the other hand、but、yet、while等。表比较的词有:likewise、in the same way、as if、as等。
例(1) Developing children’s self-confidence helps bring them up to be _______ (1999年1月六级简答题S5)
(申明:此题谜底在漫笔末了一句能直接找到。Giving children the opportunity to develop new resources, to enlarge their horizons and discover the pleasures of doing things on their own is, on the other hand, a way to help children develop a confident feeling about themselves as capable and intersting people.句中on the other hand表比较,表示出与背面相反的功效,故谜底为:capable and interesting people)
关键字:英语六级 英语六级听力 六级听力 变相怪杰 六级成绩盘问
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