Agreement & Disagreement 赞同& 反对
Simple agreement 简朴的赞同语
1. Yes. 是的.
2. Yeah. 是的.
3. Yep. 是的.
4. Yup. 是的. (yeah , yeh 和 yup 都是白话中yes的变体. )
5. Sure. 固然.
6. Of course. 固然.
7. How true! 确切不移.
8. Absolutely. 可不是.
9. Exactly. 完全准确.
10. Well said.说得好.
11. I agree. 我赞同.
12. You’re right.你说得对.
13. You got it.你算说对了.
14. You bet.没错.
15. My opinion exactly.豪杰所见略同.
16. That’s for sure.那是固然.
17. That’s true. 恰是如斯.
Saying that you agree. 默示赞同
1. I quite agree with you. 我很赞同你的不雅观点.
2. I share your view on that. 对这件事我们不雅观点同等.
3. I’m sure you are right. 固然你是对的.
4. I don’t think anyone would disagree. 我想没人会反对.
5. I have no problem with that. 对这一点我没有异议.
6. That’s just what I was thinking. 我恰是那么想的.
7. That’s what I say. 我也会这么说.
8. I couldn’t have said it better. 我想说的也是这个意思.
9. Oh, yes, I couldn’t agree more. 太对了,我举双手赞同.
10. I can’t argue with that. 我以为不错.
11. Okay, you’re the doctor. 好吧. 听你的. (doctor: 在此泛指某方面的专家. 本句意思是: 你是专家, 就听你的好了. )
12. Sure, anything you say. 固然,你说什么便是什么.
13. Don’t you know it! 你说得没错.
14. You took the words right out of my mouth. 我的话让你先说出来了.
15. I wish I had said that. 真希看那句话是我先说的.
16. You can say that again. 你说的一点没错.
17. I’m with you there. 我和你想的一样.
18. I take your point. 我赞同你的不雅观点.
19. I think I’ll go along with your proposal. 我想我支撑你的发起.
20. I’m of the same opinion. 我也是这个意见.
21. Okay, we’re all agreed. 好,巨匠的意见都统一了.
Qualified or partial agreement 有留存的或部分赞同
1. Could be. 年夜概.
2. If you say so. 既然你这么说.
3. So it seems. 好像是这么回事.
4. So to speak. 可以那么说.
5. In a manner of speaking. 无妨这么说吧.
6. I suppose so. 我想是如许吧.
7. I agree with much of what you said. 我根基上赞同你的意见.
8. I don’t entirely agree with you. 你的意见我不完全赞同.
9. That’s one way of looking at it, I admit. 我承供认以从这个角度看题目.
10. Yes, you have a point there. 对,你说的这一点有原理.
11. I get your point, but there are other things we have to consider. 我年夜白你的意思,可是我们还需要思量别的一些事变.
12. That’s quite true, but on the other hand, we have to think of our priorities. 那很有原理,但我们还必需分清轻重缓急.
13. There’s a lot in what you say, but we have more urgent problems to deal with. 你说的相称有原理,不外我们有更紧急的事变要办.
该享用就享用 租赁过年夜年