商务虚用英语(给客户电话 )
0 ihunter 2010/05


A:Good morning,ABC Trading.

B:This is Lily Chen from NI Enterprises.I'd like to speak to Mr Braun.

A:Is that Robert Brown or George Braun?

B:Er,George Braun.

A:Hold on,please.

B:Thank you.

C:Brown here.

B:Hello,Mr Braun.This is Lily Chen from NI Enterpreses.I gave you an e-mail last week about our product bike.

C:Sorry,can you repeat your name,please?

B:Yes.Lily Chen.

C:I'm sorry,Ms Chen.This is Robert Brown.I think you've got the wrong extension.

B:Oh,could you put me through to Mr George Braun,please?

C:Just a moment.

D:Braun speaking.

B:Is that Mr George Braun?


B:Ah.My name's Lily Chen.I gave an e-mail last week...

D:Sorry,can you spell that,please?

B:C-H-E-N.Lily Chen.From NI Enterprises.I gave an e-mail last week for our profuct bike.

D:Oh yes,I remember.

B:And now I want to have the details with you...


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