0 ihunter 2010/05












    We are pleased to get to konw that you are presently on the market for产物称呼,and as a specialized manufacturer and exporter for this product in China,we sincerely hope to establish business relations with your esteemed corporation.

    Herewith pls find our competitive offer as flws:




    Quantity:as per yr requirement

    Payment:L/C sight


    If the product we offered above is some different from what you require actually,kindly inform us in detail,we will be pleased to re-offer you as per yr actual requirements asap.

    Pls note that the product pictures will be sent to you upon yr request,and a small sample could also be sent to you for yr final checking if the price is finally acceptable.

    To konw more about our corporation,kindly visit our website:www.xmfv.com/news/detail/v5003008-d5873871.html" target="_blank" onmousedown="return aliclick(this,'?tracelog=ui_news_detail_editer_rec');">简朴问候就带来25万定单 为了订单我该色诱他吗? 二十多天连接六个订单 乱报价差点儿丢失落年夜客户 东盟商业 中东商业 美国商业 亚洲商业 欧洲商业 非洲商业 商业知识 商业本领 营销人知识 客户干系 英语学习 营业员手册 -->
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