L/C Letter of Credit声誉证
L/C is a reliable and safe method of payment, facilitating trade with unknown buyers and giving protection to both sellers and buyers.
1. The issuance of a L/C starts with the buyer who instructs his
bank to open a credit ( issue an L/C ) in favor of the seller for
the amount of the purchase.先由买方指示其银行开声誉证,收款方开卖方
2. The buyer’s bank ( opening bank ) sends the L/C to its
correspondent in the seller’s country, giving instructions
about the amount of the credit, the beneficiary, the currency,
the documents required and other special instructions.买方银行(开证行)将声誉证开到其在卖方国家响应的议付行,指示声誉证金额,受益方,币种,所需的票据文件以及别的特别要求
3. Upon receipt of the L/C, the correspondent advises the seller
of the same immediately.议付行收悉声誉证后应随即照实关照卖方
4. The seller deals with the correspondent bank and prepares for
the shipment of the buyer’s order.
5. After shipment, the seller presents the relative shipment
documents to the bank, which should be clearly marked with‘On board MV IT’ together with a bill of exchange (汇票) drawn on the opening bank.货载出运后,卖方将相干的盖有‘On Board MVIT’字样的货载单证连同带有开证行抬头的汇票一并交议付行
6. The correspondent bank pays the money to the seller when
documents presented are found to be in order.议付行履历证卖方票据完整无误后即向卖方结汇
7. The correspondent bank then sends all the shipping documents to
the buyer’s bank, which, in turn, passes them to the buyer, who
finally reimburses the correspondent bank through the buyer’s bank.
to meet the applicable L/C requirements以满意声誉证要求
L/G Letter of Guarantee银行保函
L/I Letter of Indemnity补偿包管书
Opening(Issuing)Bank at importers place开(声誉)证行
Advising(Notifying)Bank at exporters place关照行
Paying(Drawee)Bank at exporters place付款行
Negotiating Bank A bank named in the credit;examines the documentsand certifies to the issuing bank that the terms are
complied with。议付行
关键字:声誉证的术语 声誉证术语 商业术语 声誉证的商业
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