0 ihunter 2010/05




  Inspection Certificate 检验证明
  Inspection Certificate of Quality 质量检验证书
  Inspection Certificate of Quantity 数量检验证书
  surveyor 检验行,公证行
  Additional Words and Phrases
  Inspection Certificate of Weight 分量检验证书
  Inspection Certificate of Origin 产地检验证书
  Inspection Certificate of value 代价检验证书
  Inspection Certificate of Health 康健检验证书
  Sanitary Inspection Certificate 卫生检验证书
  Veterinary Inspection Certificate 兽医检验证书
  inspection of packing 包装检验
  inspection of loading 监装检验
  inspection of material 材料检验
  inspection of risk 被保险物价的查抄
  inspection of storage 监装
  inspection of voucher 凭据检验
  inception of carriage 货车查抄
  inspection of document 单证 查抄
  inspection of fixed asset 牢固资产查抄
  inspection of incoming merchandise 到货验收
  Inspection Certificate on Damaged cargo 验残检验证书
  Inspection Certificate on Tank 验船证书
  Certificate of Measurement & Weight 货载权衡证书
  Authentic Surveyor 公证签订人
  inspection on cleanliness 洁净检验
  inspection on cleanliness of dry cargo hold 干货舱洁净检验
  inspection on cleanliness of tank 油舱洁净检验
  inspection and acceptance 验收
  inspection before delivery 交货前检验
  inspection after construction 施工后检验
  inspection during construction 在建工程检验
  inspection between process 工序间检验
  inspection report 检验陈说
  inspection tag 查抄标签
  Inspectorate General of Customs 海关 稽查总局
  inspection and certificate fee 检验签证费
  to issue(a certificate) 发...(证明)
  Sworn Measurer 宣誓权衡人
  Underwriters Laboratory 保险商尝试室
  Loyd’s Surveyor 英国劳氏公证行
  General Superintendence & Co, Geneva (S.G.S) 瑞士日内瓦通用签订后司...
收藏 有帮助 没帮助

上篇: 营业员起步卖书 竟年销售一百多万
下篇: Y Combinator创始人:创业者应具备四大特质
