0 ihunter 2010/05


 We; all know studying English is hard, and it takes years, if not

 decades;, to master it. Wouldn't it be wonderful if there were some

 way; to fool people into thinking your English was perfect, without

 going; through all that hard work? I'd like to share with my Chinese

 friends; some tricks that I've developed over the course of the past

 few; years for the purpose of fooling Chinese people into thinking my

 Chinese; is perfect. Though these techniques were developed for

 Chinese;, I find that they also work well for Chinese people trying

 to; learn English. Just master these few IT tricks, and your

 English; will improve overnight!

 1;. First, learn to speak English.空论, you say. Yes, I'm joking, of

 course;. But seriously, these tricks will work only if you have at

 least; the basics of English. And a good accent is the first

 requirement;, since it will get you 90百分 of the way. If your

 pronunciation; -- especially of vowels -- is accurate, English

 speakers; will be willing to ignore little mistakes in grammar and

 the; strange vocabulary you might use.

 2;. Adopt a relaxed, unhurried speaking style, so that people will

 assume; your reaction time is naturally slow. You don't have to

 appear; stupid 出乎意料的10年夜赢利商机

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