If you currently own one salon and are thinking of expanding to two, you are thinking chain. And, like an expectant mother of twins or triplets, you need to be prepared.
A business plan is a good place to start and will provide you with an excellent compass to guide any business venture to success.
According to Bryan Noland, co-owner (his partners are Allen Dear and Terry Clifford) and general manager of metropolitan Dallas-based chain Desert Tan, Inc., the key to his company's success lies in its business plan.
根据总部位于达拉斯都市区的连锁“沙漠皮肤美黑公司”(Desert Tan Inc.)合伙人兼总经理布莱伦·诺兰德(Bryan Noland)——他的生意伙伴包括阿伦·迪尔(Allen Dear)——和特瑞·克利福德(Terry Clifford)的说法,他的公司成功的关键在于商业计划。
"It's hard to go through uncharted water without a map," he says. "Forty-five percent of business owners don't have a business plan and, truthfully, they can't build a solid foundation without one. Every serious business owner needs one--especially one that is well thought out."
Briefly, a business plan consists of a company "mission" statement (100 words or less explaining what your company is all about), as well as actual, anticipated and predicted financial information.
"Go to your local library," says Noland. "It will have books on how to write a business plan. In addition, community colleges in your area may be offering night courses on how to prepare a business plan."
Noland offers another suggestion.
"Be sure to revise your business plan on a month-to-month or quarterly basis," he says. "This is wise to do because change is the one thing you can count on when it comes to running your own business."
However, what you don't need to revise or improve upon, especially if you already operate a successful single salon, is the way you do business.
According to Gary Haw and Richard Guyette, co-owners of Thousand Oaks and Agoura Hills, Calif.,-based chain Tan L.A., if you are thinking of expanding from one to two stores, it is important to remember that one of the reasons your first salon was so successful was because you were there to run it in the first place.
根据总部设在加利福尼亚千棵橡树(Thousand Oaks)和奥格拉山(Agoura Hills)地区的连锁公司“皮肤美黑洛杉矶”(Tan L.A.)共同所有人盖瑞·豪(Gary Haw)和理查德·盖耶特(Richard Guyette)的说法,如果你考虑从一家店扩张到两家店,一定要记住,第一家美容店成功的主要原因是有你在店里亲自经营。
"Everything at our first salon is still the same," says Haw. "We didn't change anything. I think that's important because too many people place too much emphasis on the second salon and they tend to forget about their first one. Keep in mind that your clients are used to having you there. So, when you open your second salon, find the right people to run it and let your new clients develop a rapport with them."
However, Haw admits that is a lot easier said than done.
"One of the challenges of owning a chain is that you want to be at all of the locations, all of the time," he says. "But you have to let go and let the new manager run the salon. Of course, you'll oversee it, but it's important to give him or her an opportunity to do it their way."