0 ihunter 2010/05

Business is closed at this price.


    Your; price inacceptable (unacceptable).


    Your; price is feasible (infeasible).


    Your; price is workable.


    Your; price is realistic (unrealistic).


    Your; price is reasonable (unreasonable).


    Your; price is practicable (impracticable).


    Your; price is attractive (not attractive).


    Your; price is inducing (not inducing).


    Your; price is convincing (not convincing).


    Your; price is competitive (not competitive).


    The; goods are (not) competitively priced.


    Words; and Phrases

    price; 价钱,定价,开价

    priced; 已标价的,有定价的

    pricing; 定价,标价

    priced; catalogue 定价目次

    price; of commodities 物价

    pricing; cost 定价成本

    price; card 价钱目次

    pricing; method 定价体例

    price; list 定价政策,价钱目次,价钱单

    pricing; policy 定价政策

    price; format 价钱目次,价钱表

    price; tag 价钱标签,标价条

    price; current (p.c.) 时值表



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上篇: 敢想敢做 两个40岁富翁创业路
下篇: 坐在家里收钱的妙法!
