0 ihunter 2010/06
Without realizing it, people will perceive things according to how they want to see them, a new study suggests.
"There is an age old hypothesis in psychology that a person's wishes, hopes and desires can influence what they see," said David Dunning, Cornell University psychologist and co-author of the study. "This theory had lay dormant for about 40 years, though, without any supporting evidence. We wanted to test the murky waters again."
In five separate tests conducted by Dunning and a graduate student, Emily Balcetis, 412 volunteers from Cornell were presented with an ambiguous picture that could be interpreted as two distinct figures,either a horse's head or the body of a seal, for example. They were told they would be assigned to a taste test of either fresh-squeezed orange juice or a gelatinous, clumpy and rather unappealing veggie smoothie, depending on whether they saw a farm animal or sea creature.More often than not the participants chose the figure that would lead them to the juice.The trick to IT the study meaningful was IT sure the test subjects didn't know what was going on, Dunning said, noting that the generally high IQ of Cornell students made cheating a real possibility."The figures we used were chosen so we knew the people weren't just lying or tricking us," Dunning said. "We also tracked automatic, unconscious eye movements which were out of their control."Not only did participants routinely see the figure that produced favorable results, their eye motions indicated that they were never aware of the alternate option being available."Determining whether a person walking towards you is smiling or smirking, how close the finish line seems in a race or how loud a partner,a wife, husband, lover is yelling during an argument," Dunning gave as examples that could arise in life. "Could we interpret ambiguous situations towards our expectations and hopes and away from our fears? That is the ultimate question."中文链接:一项钻研表明,人们对待事物时,存心偶尔地把它们了解成为自己事前想象的样子。
本钻研合著者、科内尔年夜门生理学家年夜卫·达宁说:“耐久以来,心理学界有一个假定,以为人的愿看、希看和欲看会影响他对事物的判定。因为没有确凿的证据,这个理想被弃捐了年夜约 40年。此次我们希看能再探深渊。”
达宁和钻研生艾米丽·巴尔塞迪斯从科内尔年夜学选出 412名自愿者,对他们举行五次零丁测试。他们选择了一些模棱两可的图片,这些图像可以被看成是两种截然不合的东西,例如看起来既像马头又像海豹。受测者原告知正在举行品味测试,如果从图片中看到农场动物,就申明你喜好鲜榨果汁,如果看到陆地生物就申明你喜好果冻样、块状、毫无吸引力的蔬菜冰砂。
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