脚本:The Land of Heart’s Desire理想的国土;The Hour Glass时漏;Dedidre黛德尔
Autobiographies自传三部曲;Essays and Introduction
科幻小说:The Time Machine时候机器;The Island of Dr Morau莫洛博士岛;The Invisible Man隐身人;When the Sleeper Waked;The Shape of Things to Come将来事物的面容 An Outline of World Histrory世界史纲
社会糊口小说:Tono Bungay托诺·班格;Ann Veronica安·维罗尼卡;Kipps基普斯
A Man from the North南方人;Anna of the Five Towns五镇上的安娜;The Old Wives’ Tale老妇谭;Clayhanger克莱亨厄
脚本:Milestones;How to Live Twentyfour Hours a Day
From the Four Winds海角海角(The Man of Property有产业的人;In Chancery进退维谷;To Let出租→The Forsyte Saga福尔塞世家);(The White Monkey白猿;The Silver Spoon银匙;Swan Song天鹅曲→A Modern Comedy现代喜剧)
剧作:The Silver Box银匣;Strife妥协
短篇小说集:Reginald雷金纳德;Reginald in Russia;The Chronicles of Clovis克洛维斯记事;Beats and Super-beats;The Toys of Peace;The Square Egg方蛋
长篇小说:Where Angels Fear to Tread天使们忘而却步的中央;The Longest Journey最漫长的旅程;A Room with a View可以远眺的中央;A Passage to India印度之行
短篇小说集:The Eternal Moment永久的时候
散文集:Abinger Harvest在阿宾格村的收成;Two Cheers for Democracy
The Playboy of the Western World东方世界的IT;Riders to the Sea骑马下海的人们;Deridre of Sorrows悲伤的黛达尔;In the Shade of the Glen在幽谷的暗影下;The Tinker’s Wedding补锅匠的婚礼
Road to Freedom到自在之路;Marriage and Morals婚姻与自在;Mysticism and Logic秘密主义与逻辑;Sceptical Essays猜疑论集;The Analysis of Mind心理申明;History of Western Philosophy东方哲学史;Priccipia Mathematica数学原理;A Free Man’s Worship
短篇小说:Satan in the Suburbs撒旦在郊区;Portraits from Memory回想中的画像
小说:Liza of Lambeth兰贝思的莉莎;Of Human Bondage人类镣铐;Cakes and Ale寻欢作乐;The Moon and Six Pence月亮与六便士
短篇小说:Complete Short Stories短篇小说集
脚本:Smith ;The Circle;Our Betters位居我们之上的人们
诗:Salt-Water Ballads海上歌谣;The Everlasting Mercy永久的残忍;The Widow in the Bye Street小街的未亡人;The Daffodil Fields水仙田;Reynard the Fox狐狸雷纳德
小说:Captain Margaret;Multitude and Solitude群与独;Sard Harker萨德·哈克尔
脚本:The Locked Chest
传记:Emiment Victorians维多利亚期间的杰出人物;Queen Victoria
批评集:Land-marks in French Literature;Books and Characters
脚本:The Shadow of a Gunman枪手的影子;Juno and the Peacock裘诺与孔雀;The Plough and the Stars犁与星;The Star Turns Red;Red Roses for Me给我红玫瑰
自传体小说:I Knock at the Door我拍门;Pictures in the Hallway门厅里的丹青;Drums under Windows窗下鼓声;Inishfallen,Fare Thee Well英尼希IT,再会;Rose and Crown;Sunset and Evening Star日落与金星
长篇小说:A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man青年艺术家的画像;Ulysess尤利西斯;Finnegans Wake芬尼根的醒觉
长篇小说:Mrs Dalloway达洛威夫人;To the Lighthouse到灯塔往;Orlando奥兰多传;The Waves浪;Flush弗乐希;Between the Acts幕间
散文集:The Common Readers;The Death of the Moth and Other Essays;A Room of One’s Own;Three Guineas三个基尼亚
名文:Modern Fiction现代小说日志:A Writer’s Diary
The White Peacock白孔雀;Sons and Lovers儿子与恋人;The Reinbow虹;Women in Love恋爱中的妇女;Lady Chatterley’s Lover查泰莱夫人的恋人
In a German Pension在一个德国公寓里;Blis幸福;The Garden Party园会;The Dove’s Nest鸽巢;Something Childish幼稚集
诗集:Prufrock and Other Observation普鲁夫洛克及其他;The Waste Land荒漠;The Hollow Men空虚的人们;Ash-Wednesday圣灰礼拜三;Four Quarters
诗剧:Murder in the Cathedral年夜教堂里的谋杀案;The Family Reunion团聚
批评集:The Sacred Wood圣林;Homage to John Dryden向约翰·德莱顿致敬;For Lancelot Andrews留念兰斯洛特·安德鲁斯
Antic Hay风趣的环舞;Point Counter Point旋律和统一;Brave New World新颖的世界;Letters书信集;Ape and Essence猿与素质;Eyeless in Gaza加沙的瞽者;After Many a Summer多少个夏天之后;The Doors of Perception感受之门;Fairy Godmother天使教母(←Two or Three Graces雅事二三)
小说:The English Comic Characters英国喜剧从物;The English Novel英国小说;The Good Companions好同伴;Angel Pavement天使街;They Walk in the City;他们走在都会中;Let the People Sing让人们歌颂
脚本:Dangerous Corner危险的转角;Time and the Conways期间与康威一家;In Inspector Calls罪行之家;When We Are Married;The Linden Tree普提树;Summer Day’s Dream夏日梦
Sangshaw诗歌集;A Drunk Man Looks at the Thistle醉汉看蓟;First/Second/Third Hymn to Lenin;In Memoriam James Joyce吊唁乔伊斯 ;Collected Poems
名诗:Why I Choose Red;Moonlight Among;The Pines;Third Hymn to Lenin
Principles of Literary Criticism文学批驳原理;Science and Poetry;Practical Criticism适用批驳;Coleidge on Imagination柯尔律治论想象;The Philosophy of Rhetoric修辞哲学;Basic in Teaching :East and West教学基础(The Four Kinds of Meaning);Basic English and It’s Uses基础英语及其使用
短篇小说集:Night Fears and Other Stories黑夜的惊骇及其他故事(The Killing Bottle致命瓶;The White Wand白色魔杖)论文集:The Novelist’s Responsibility
长篇小说:Eustace and Hilda优斯塔斯与希尔达三部曲(The Shrimp and the Anemone虾与海葵);The Go-Between信使;The Hireling佣工;Facial Justice表面正义;The Boat;A Perfect Woman一个完竣的女人;The Betrayal背叛;My Sister’s Keeper妹妹的监护人
The Hotel客店;The House in Paris巴黎寓所;The Death of the Heart心去世;The Heat of the Day炎日短篇小说集:Look at All Those Roses(Tears ,Idle Tears)
短篇小说:The Sailor海员;The Sense of Humour诙谐感;Mr Beluncle贝伦克尔西席
纪行:The Spanish Temper西班牙性情批评集:Books in General书籍泛谈
自传:A Cab at the Door:A Memoir马车在家门口:回想录; Midnight Oil挑灯夜谈
小说:Down and Out in Paris and London巴黎伦敦崎岖潦倒记;Homage to Catalonia向坎塔罗尼亚致敬;Animal Farm兽园;Nineteen Eighty-Four
散文集:Dickens,Dali and Others狄更斯,达里及其他;Shooting on Elephant and Other Essays猎象记及其他;The Collected Essays,Journalism and Letters of George Orwell in Four Volumes奥威尔散文,动静写作及书信集
名文:Lear Tolstoy and The Fool
论文集:The Lonely Voice:A Study of the Short Story寥寂之声:短篇小说钻研
自传:An Only Son独生子;My Father’s Son;The Backward Look:A Survey of Irish Literature爱尔兰文学回首
短篇小说集:Collection Two:Stories by Frank O’connor(Private Property公有财产)
长篇小说:Decline and Fall衰落与蜕化;Vile Bodies行尸走肉;A Handful of Dust一撮灰尘;Black Mischief黑色的祸患;Scoop挖动静;Put out More Flags多升几面旗;Bridgeshead Revisited重游布赖兹海德(Men at Arms行伍生活;Officers and Gentlemen军官与名流;Unconditional Surrender无前提降服佩服→The Sword of Honour声誉之剑三部曲)
自传:A Little Learning一点学问(三部只成一部)
短篇小说集:Mr Loveday’s Little Outing and Other Sad Stories洛弗戴西席一次长久的外出与其他凄惨故事
All the Conspirators全部的企图者;Mr Norris Changeds Traits诺里斯西席换火车;Sally Bowles萨利·鲍尔斯(选自《再会吧,柏林》);Journey to a War战地行;Prater Violet紫罗兰密斯;The World in the Evening夜晚的世界;Down there on A Visit在那边举行会面;A Single Man独身单身汉;A Meeting by the River河边相会
消遣:Stamboul Train斯坦布尔列车;A Gun for Sale一支付卖的枪;Our Man in Havana我们在哈瓦纳的人
严酷:The Power and the Glory权利与声誉;The Heart of the Matter题目的焦点;The End of the Affair恋爱的终局;The Quiet American;The Comedians喜剧演员;The Human Favor人的身分
Strangers and Brothers目生人与兄弟们;The Light and the Dark光明与漆黑;Time of Hope希看的时候;The Masters院长们;The New Men新人;Homecoings回家;The Conscience of the Rich穷人的良心;The Affairs事变;Corridors of Power权利走廊;The Sleep of Reason明智沉眠;Last Things终局
Byron:The Year of Fame拜伦:盛名期间;Byron in Italy;Byron:A Self-Portrait拜伦:一幅自我画像;A History of English Literature;Four Portraits:Studies of the 18th Century四幅画像:关于十八世纪的钻研
诗集:Poems;The Gathering Storm酝酿中的风暴;Collected Poems
名诗:Legal Fiction;Homage to the British Museum
论著:Seven Types of Ambiguity流畅的七品种型;Some Versions of Pastoral故乡诗的几种转变;The Structure of Complex Words复合词的构造
诗集:Poems;The Orators雄辩家;Look,Stranger!瞧,目生人;Spain
诗剧:The Dog Beneath the Skin皮下之狗;The Ascent,F6攀缘F6;On the Frontier边界上
The Sea and the Mirror海与镜;The Age of Anxiety担心期间;The Shield of Achilles阿基琉斯的盾牌;Homage to Clio向克奥女神致敬;About the House房子内外
散文批评集:The Dyer’s Hand染工之手;Secondary World主要的世界
名诗:Who’s Who;The Unknown Citizen;Their Lonely Betters
长篇小说:Lord of the Flies蝇王;The Inheritors继承人;Pincher Martin平却·马丁;The Spire塔尖;The Pyramid金字塔
小说:The Wrong Set and Other Storie乱了套和其他短篇故事s;Anglo-Saxon Attitudes盎格鲁撒克逊立场;The Middle Age of Mrs Eliot艾略特夫人的中年;The Old Men at the Zoo; Late Call夜访;As if by Magic象是用了把戏
批评:Emile Zole爱弥尔·佐拉;The World of Charles Dickens;The Strange Ride of Rudyard Kipling吉卜林的奇特旅程
诗:Eighteen Poems;The Map of Love爱的地图;Deaths and Entrances灭亡与出场;Collected Poems
自传:Portrait of the Artist as a Young Dog作为一条小狗的艺术家画像
播送剧:Under the Milk Wood名诗:Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night
The Comforter抚慰者;The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie琼·布罗迪小姐的黄金期间;The Diver’s Seat司机的座位;The Abbess of Crewe克鲁女修道院院长;Loitering with Intent故意游戏;Collected Stories I短篇小说集(一)
The Grass is Singing草儿在歌颂;Children of Violence暴力和孩子们(Martha Quest玛莎·金奎特 ;A Proper Marriage合法的婚姻;A Ripple from the Storm暴风雨掀起的涟漪;Landlocked被陆地围住的;The Four-gated City四门城);The Golden Notebook金色条记;Briefing for a Descent into Hell堕进天堂简况;The Summer before the Dark
Under the Net在网下;The Bel钟l;A Severed Head砍失落的头;The Black Prince黑衣王子;The Sea,The Sea年夜海啊,年夜海
诗:The North Ship南方船;Jill;A Girl in Winter
诗集:The Less Deceived被骗较少的人;The Whitsun Weddings降灵节婚礼;High Windows高窗
名诗:Church Going;Reason for Attendance
小说:Lucky Jim幸运的吉姆;My Enemy’s Enemy我的朋友的朋友;One Fat Englishman一个英国胖子;That Uncertain Feeling那种不安感;Take a Girl Like You爱你如许的密斯;Ending up去世
长篇小说:Hurry on Down年夜学后的漂泊;Living in the Present糊口在现代;The Contenders竞争者;Strike the Father Dead打去世父亲;A Winter in the Hills山中冷冬
短篇小说集:The Life Guard救生员
The Brightfountain Diaries明泉日志; The Billion Year Spree:The History of Science Fiction科幻小说史;Best SF Stories of Brian W Aldiss奥尔迪斯最佳科幻故事集(Outside外界)
Saturday Night and Sunday Morning;The General;Key to the Door;A Tree on Fire;A Start in Life一位长跑活动员的伶仃;The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner捡破烂人的女儿;The Ragman’s Daughter;The Windower’s Son
Look back in Anger气愤的回首;Lurther;Inadmissible Evidence不能接受的证据;Time Present and Hotel in Amsterdam现在和阿姆斯特丹的旅店
The Hawk in the Rain雨中鹰;Lupercal卢泼卡尔神(Hawk of Roosting);Scapegoats and Rabies替罪羊与狂犬病;Wodwo沃德沃怪物;Crow乌鸦
Songs of Woe哀歌
脚本:The Wesker Triology韦斯克三部曲(Chicken Soup with Barley年夜麦鸡汤;Roots;I’m Talking about Jerusalem0;The Four Seasons;The Friends;The Journalists动静记者;Caritas Christi卡里塔斯·克里斯蒂
小说:A Summer Bird-cage夏日的鸟笼;The Garrick Year茄立克年;The Millstone磨石;The Needle’s Eye针眼 ;The Realms of Gold黄金世界;The Ice Age冰期