0 ihunter 2010/06
ambition n.理想,年夜志,野心;企看获得的东西
A good soldier should have the ambition of becoming a general. ;一个好的战士应有想当将军的理想.
announce vt.公布,宣告,宣称,叙说;预报,预示
The local government closed the lido ;中央政府封锁了海滨浴场,
announcing that some sharks were emerging there. ;宣称海里有鲨鱼出没.
The invention of the microchip announced a new generation of computers. ;微晶片的发明预示了新一代的计算机将出现.
anticipate vt.预期,期看,意料;先于…办法,提早利用
We anticipated growing up fast when we were still kids, ;当照旧孩子的时候,我们期待着快快长年夜,
but how we wish that time could pass slowly ;但现在我们却希看时候流逝得慢些.
We must anticipate our competitors by getting our products onto the market first. ;我们必需赶在竞争对手之前先把产物推向市场.
budget n.预算 vi.~for)编预算,作安排 vt.计划,安排
A shrewd housewife should be good at planning the family budget. ;夺目的主妇应善于计划家庭预算.
We start to budget for the project. ;我开始为工程做预算.
contradiction n.抵牾,不合等;否定,辩驳
Is it a contradiction to love animals and yet wear furs? ;又保护动物又穿外相打扮是抵牾的吗?
contribution n.供献,促进感化;捐钱,捐募物; (写给报刊等的)稿件
Mr. He Zhenliang has made an important contribution to the Olympic bid. ;何振梁西席为申奥作出了重年夜供献.
convenience n.利便,合宜;便利办法步伐,利便的器具
Come at your convenience (Come whenever it is to your convenience.) ;你什么时候利便就什么时候来.
Some university dormi- tories are now full of modern conveniences of every sort. ;现在有些年夜学宿舍各种现代化设置装备摆设完全.
convention n.风俗,老例;条约,协议
By convention,north is at the top of most maps. ;依照老例,在年夜部分的地图上北面都在上方.
conventional a.通俗的,习尚的,老例的;符合风俗的,抱残守缺的
It is said that Englishmen like ;听说英国人喜好
to make a few convent- ional remarks about the weather when they start a conversation. ;在开始谈话时说几句关于气候的客套话.
Not all old people are conventional in the clothes they wear and in their views. ;不是全部老年人都穿着保守、不雅观点保守.
convey vt.表达,转达,通报;保送,保送
Air is the medium by which sound waves are conveyed. ;空气是声波传导的前言.
What information the codes in the big Pyramid convey is still unknown. ;年夜金字塔中的暗码究竟通报了什么信息仍旧不为人知.
discard vt.抛弃,抛弃
Outdated theory should be discarded. ;逾期的理想该当抛弃失落.
disguise vt.假扮,化装;冒充;粉饰笼盖,粉饰 n.用来冒充的东西(或办法);冒充,粉饰
Mulan disguised herself as a man and became a soldier. ;木兰女扮男装参军.
disorder n.杂乱,庞杂;骚乱,IT; (身心,机能的)失落调,病
The room is in disorder.It's time to tidy it up. ;房间很乱.该拾掇一下了.
Mental disorder is very common in people now. ;心理失落调对现代人来说很通俗的病症.
fire n.火;火警,火警;射击,火力;热情,IT vt.放(枪,炮等)开除, vi.开火,开枪
A rocket was fired at the moon. ;火箭发射到月球上.
During the oral defence of your thesis, ;在论文辩论历程中,
tutors and experts will fire questions at you. ;导师和专家们会向你一 连串地发问.
grade n.品级,级别;成绩,分数 (黉舍的)年级 vt.将…分等;对…举行评分
These apples have been graded according to size and quality. ;这些苹果依照年夜小和质量分了品级.
injury n.损害,危险;受伤处
Drinking too much can result in injury to the liver. ;喝酒过量会损害肝脏.
inner a.内部的,外面的;内心的
The core of the earth is made up of a liquid outer core and a solid inner core. ;地核是由一个液体的外核和一个固体的内核组成的.
inside n.外面,内部prep.在…内部;指时候)少于 a.外面的,内部的 ad.在外面,在内部
The outside of an orange is bitter but the inside is sweet. ;桔子的外皮是苦的,可是桔子肉是甜的.
interior n.内部;(the~)疆域; a.内部的;疆域的,海内的
Interior decorating is a very promising industry nowadays. ;室内装修是当今的颇具出路的行业.
internal a.内的,内部的,海内的,交际的;内心的
A theory has its internal logic. ;每种理想都有其固有的内涵逻辑性.
inward a.内心的,精神的;外面的,内部的
Many philosophers prefer to live an inward and unmaterial life. ;良多哲学家选择过一种重精神而不重物质的糊口.
loyal a.忠实的,忠心的
We should be loyal to our motherland. ;我们该当忠实于祖国.
notify vt.关照,告知,陈说
When your bike is stolen,do you notify the police or just accept the bad luck? ;如果自行车被偷,你是关照IT,照旧自认倒运?
rival n.竞争对手,对手 a.竞争的,对抗的 vt.与…竞争;比得上
No other ball games can rival football in excitement. ;没有其也球赛比足球更有安慰性.
opponent n.对手,对手;反对者
Someone has said that there's no eternal friend or opponent in the business circle. ;有人曾说过,在阛阓中,没有永久的冤家,也没有永久的对手.
potential a.匿伏的,年夜概的 n.潜力,潜能
Every seed is a potential plant. ;每一粒种子都年夜概长成动物.
If you don't have self-confidence,your potential won't grow. ;如果没有自大,就不能发挥出你的潜力.
precious a.贵重的,贵重的
I believe that good health is the most precious thing for people. ;我以为康健对人来说是最贵重的财产.
rescue vt. n.营救,救济
Professional rescue team plays an important role in the rescue. ;专业救生队在营救历程中起重要感化.
reservation n.(住处,座位等的)预订;留存,犹豫; (美国印第安部落的)居留地
If you want to have dinner on Valentine's Day in a Western style restaurant, ;恋人节此日,你如果想在西式餐厅用晚餐
you'd better make the reservation earlier. ;最好早些预订.
sophisticated a.老于油滑的,干练的;细密的,庞大的;庸俗的,有教养的
Many politicians are very sophisticated. ;年夜部分的政客都极度干练
The inner system of a spaceship is rather sophisticated. ;宇宙飞船的内部系统相称庞大.
sorrow n.悲痛,悲痛;伤苦衷,不幸的事
You can't conceal your sorrow,because your eyes reveal everything ;你隐躲不了悲伤,因为你的眼睛已通知了我们统统.
tradition n.传统,老例
Making and eating dumplings on Chinese New Year's Eve ;在夏积年夜年夜年夜做饺子、吃饺子
is a tradition in Northern China. ;是中国南方的传统. unique a.埋头的,奇特的,独一无二的;极不平常的,极好的
Mona Lisa's smile is unique. ;蒙娜 .丽莎的浅笑是无与伦比的.
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