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accommodation n. [常p住处,膳宿
The high cost of accommodations ;留宿费昂贵
makes life difficult for many Chinese students in London. ;使良多在伦敦的中国留门生感到糊口困难.
blame vt.责怪,求全非难;把…回咎于 n.(不对,事变等的)责任责怪,叱责
Don't always blame your own failure on others.Sometimes you yourself are to blame. ;不要总把失落败回咎于他人偶尔该怪你自己.
clash vt.发作抵触;和睦谐; (金属等的)难听的撞击声
I failed to watch the World Cup final because it clashed with my examination. ;我没能看成世界杯 (足球)总决赛,因为和我的测验日期抵触了.
coarse a.粗的,粗拙的;精致的;粗俗的
Ultraviolet rays, dust,air-conditioning can make your skin coarse. ;紫外线、灰尘、空调等都会使皮肤粗拙.
collapse vt. n.坍毁,塌下;崩溃,突然失落败
Numerous houses collapsed in the Tangshan earthquake in 1976. ;在1976年,稀有的衡宇在唐山地动中坍毁.
The economy of many Asian countries collap -sed immediately in the financial crisis. ;良多亚洲国家的经济在金融危殆当中敏捷崩溃.?
collision n.碰撞;抵触,抵触
In Britain,a collision with the Parliament could ruin the government's plans. ;在英国,政府与议会的抵触年夜概使政府的计划停业.
decline vi.下降,淘汰;衰退,式微;谢尽,拒尽 vt.谢尽,拒尽 n.下降,淘汰,衰退
Babylon was an empire that had declined. ;巴比伦是业已式微的帝国.
Cinderella had to decline the prince and returned home before 12 o'clock at night. ;灰密斯不得不谢尽王子,在早晨12点之前赶回家.
defeat vt.击败,降服;挫败,使…失 n.击败,失落败;降服
Some countries may be defeated but can never be conquered. ;有的国家年夜概被打败,但决不能被降服.
defend vt.戒备,??为…辩护,为(论文等)辩论
A lawyer defends his clients in court. ;状师在法庭上为自己的当事人辩护.
Every student will get nervous when they defend their thesis. ;每个门生论文辩论之时都会重要.
efficiency n.苦守,效能,结果
One of the aims of economic reform is to improve efficiency. ;经济革新的目标之一是提高苦守.
fatal a.致命的,灾害性的,消灭性的;重年夜的,决议性的
The city of Tangshan takes on (such) a new look that it hardly reminds people of ;唐山市现在面容一新,几乎让人想不起
the fatal earthquake that occurred over 30 years ago. ;那30多年前的消灭性的地动.
"To be or not to be " was the fatal decision for Hamlet. ;关于哈姆雷特来说,"是活下往,照旧选择灭亡"是一个重年夜的决议.
factor n.身分,要素
Scientists recognize ;迷信家以为
that many other factors besides genetic factors can affect height. ;除了遗传因子,另有良多身分会影响身高.
fulfill vt.实施,完成;满意,使满意
The world's first space tourist Dennis Tito had his dream fulfilled ;世界第一位太空旅客客丹尼斯.蒂托完成了他的梦想.
when the Russian Soyuz-TM spaceship carrying him and two Russian cosmonauts ;当联盟-TM宇宙飞船承载着蒂托和两名俄罗斯宇航员
safely returned to earth after an 8-day visit to the Internat- ional Space Station. ;在国际太空站为期8天的旅程后平安着陆时.
gear n.齿轮,传动装配, (排)挡;设置装备摆设,器具;衣服 vt.使适应,使合适
"The car isn't moving! "That's because you are not in gear." ;“车开不动!”“那是因为你没推挡.” Education should be geared to society's needs. ;教诲应适应社会的需要.
image n.笼统,声誉;印象;映像,图像;笼统的描绘
In Europe,many royal members still try to protect their image. ;在欧洲,良多皇室成员仍不遗余力维护自己的笼统
The Tian Chi Lake is so clean that you can see your image in it. ;天池的水很清,你可以从中瞥见自己的倒影.
imagination n.想像,想像力;理想,幻觉;想像出来的事物
Someone believes that UFOs are just people's imagination. ;有人以为不明飞翔物只是人们的幻觉.
imagine vt.想像,设想;意料,猜测
You can't imagine the life of the refugees in Somali. ;你不年夜概想像得出索马里的难夷易近是若何糊口的.
imaginary a.想像中的,假造的,设想的
The main characters in the novel are very true to life,but most of them are imaginary. ;小说里的人物写得有声有色,但年夜都是假造的.
imaginative a.富有想像力的,爱想像的
Some people believe that imaginative kids are relatively clever. ;有人想像力丰硕的孩子比较伶俐.
launch vt.发射;发起(活动),推出(产物);使开始从事;使(船)下水 n.发射;(船)下水;投产
Early Bird,the world's first commercial communication satellite, ;世界上第一个商用通信卫星--晨鸟卫星
was launched from Cape Kennedy in Florida in 1965. ;于1965年在(美国)佛罗里达州的肯尼迪角发射.
Full market research is needed before the launch of new products ;新产物投产之前需要充沛的市场盘问拜访.
obligation n.义务,责任
Supporting elderly parents is every adult's obligation. ;奉养上年龄的怙恃是每个成年人的义务.
pay vt.付钱给,支付;给以 (留意等),致以(问候等) vi.付款;有利,值得; n.人为,薪金
It will pay in the long run ;长远来看,
if the setting off of firecrackers is banned in the cities. ;在都会里禁放鞭炮是值得的.
Many social volunteers regularly pay visits to the almshouses. ;良多社工会活期往养老院看看白叟.
He gambled away all his pay. ;他把人为都给赌光了.
payment n.支付的款项;支付,付款
Payment may be made in any of the following ways,in cash,by check, or by credit card. ;付款可用下列任何一种体例:现金、支票或用声誉卡.
peculiar a.特另外,离奇的;特有的,独具的,奇特的
Language is peculiar to mankind. ;说话是人类所特有的.
The fish has a peculiar taste.You really think it is all right? ;这鱼有股怪味,你真的以为它能吃吗?
peer n.同龄人,划一地位的人贵族用钉子钉;限制 (价钱、人为等);将…看成,将…回进
To lessen peer(group) pressure,many schools require their students to wear uniforms. ;为淘汰来自同龄群体的压力,良多黉舍要求门生们穿校服.
penalty n.责罚,责罚,罚金
A football player may be given a yellow card or a red card penalty ;足球队员遭到黄牌或红牌责罚.
for his unnecessary roughness during the match. ;在角逐中会因不需要的粗犷活动.
reckon vt.以为,估计; (~ on)指看,盼看;测算,测量
Don't reckon the gain and loss that clearly; just let it be. ;别把得失落察得那么清晰,统统顺其天然吧.
recognize vt.认出,识别;供认,确认;知识,表彰,报偿
Many colorblind people can't recognize different shades of red and green. ;良多色盲者都不能识别红与绿的不合颜色.
scan vt.细看,审阅;阅读;扫描
Many people like to scan the newsIT while having breakfast ;良多人喜好在吃早饭的时候阅读一下报纸.
scarce a.缺乏的,缺乏的;希罕的
Fresh vegetables are no longer scarce in Beijing. ;现在北京的奇怪蔬菜不再匮乏.
talk vi.发言,交谈,批评辩论 vt.讲,说,批评辩论 n.谈话会话;演讲;闲谈;闲话,谣言谣言
I hate all talk and no action. ;我厌烦光有一年夜堆空论而无理想办法.
variation n.可变身分,变量;转变,窜改
Variations in the color of sea water from blue to green ;海水颜色从蓝到绿的转变
is caused by high or low concentrations of salt. ;是由盐分含量的上下惹起的.
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