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In Denmark, the sea embraces people and cities, it accompanies them in their daily life, it marks them in history.
The Danish coastline is 7,313 kilometers long. So it's no wonder that Denmark is one of the leading nations in the fishing industry, it's one of the most important producers in the world with an annual catch of 2 million tons.
The Danes prefer the graceful and modest fishing boats to the bigger and more modern factory ships. There small vessels don't go too far out to sea and often come back to base to unload their catch.
One of the most famous authors of fairy tales in the world, Hans Christian Anderson, was born in Odense in the 19th century.
This is the family home, where the author spent his childhood. His father was a modest cobbler and Hans had to struggle to attract the world's attention. Today he is highly regarded as one of the most sensitive writers of his time and was the most capable of touching the chords of the human spirit.
In the museum dedicated to him, which was set up in the house where the author was born, we find rare editions of his stories, letters, notes and manuscripts.
The most interesting items in the museum are the writer's personal effects, enabling us to picture him still at work in these rooms. Here we also find a series of original illustrations by famous artists, inspired by his fairy tales and his life.
Anderson's works are staged in Odense, with children and visitors acting out the parts. Among his famous stories are“The Ugly Ducking”and“The Princess and the Pea”。“The little Mermaid”went on to become the symbol of the city of Copenhagan.
The Royal family in Denmark have often made the world take notice of them. Decidedly unusual is the story linked to this type of porcelain, which is still produced by hand today, called Flora Danica because it features more than 700 Danish wild flowers.
In 1789, Christina VII of Denmark sent all the best craftsmen of the kingdom to work to create this collection in order to give it as a present to Catherine II of Russia. By the time the 1,800 pieces of the colossal work were finished, thirteen years later, Catherine II had already died.
Denmark is a beautiful and dream like place. Its beauty and serenity encourage people to create their own fairy tales.
丹麦的皇室不断备受世人注目,最分外的是有关这种瓷器的故事,这种至今仍用手工制造的瓷器叫Flora Danica,它刻画出了700多种丹麦的野花。
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