0 ihunter 2010/06
A standard set of balls for the snooker table consists of 15 reds, 6 colours and 1 white / cue ball. Historically, snooker balls were made exclusively from heavy ivory. Thankfully, these quickly became a thing of the past and were replaced before the Second World War by lighter Crystallite balls made from the crushed shin bones of cows. Today, snooker balls are entirely made from synthetic materials.一套尺度的IT克台球用球由15只赤色球、6只黑色球和一只白/主球组成。历史上,IT克用球只能用沉重的象牙来制造。谢天谢地,这很快就成为了历史,在第二次世界年夜战之前,更为简练的微晶球取而代之,它们由碾碎的母牛胫骨制成。而现在,IT克用球全部是用分解材料来制造。

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