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1.The proposed urban development zones do not represent a new principle; it was employed in“Operation Bootstrap” in Puerto Rico.
(A) do not represent a new principle; it
(B) represent not a new principle, but one that
(C) are not a new principle; the same one
(D) are not a new principle, but one that(B)
(E) are not new in principle; it
首先这是一道考逻辑的题目,题目说都会生长区并没有代表一个新准绳,可是C, D, E把represent改成了be动词,意思就变成都会生长区是一个新准绳了,我们只能说都会生长区代表一个准绳,而不能说都会生长区是一个准绳,所以这三个选项逻辑都错了。A, B两个选项实在逻辑和语法都准确,可是选项B利用了not…but这个使句子更为对称的构造,而根据准确谜底通俗都是符合对称性的选项的准绳,所以谜底选E。
2.For almost a hundred years after having its beginning in 1788, England exiled some 160,000 criminals to Australia.
(A) For almost a hundred years after having its beginning in 1788
(B) Beginning in 1788 for a period of a hundred years
(C) Beginning a period of almost a hundred years, in 1788
(D) During a hundred years, a period beginning in 1788
(E) Over a period of a hundred years beginning in 1788
这道题目和刚才那道题目极度类似,A,B,C三个选项都有逻辑上的错误,分词构造beginning用来润色England,如许就变成英格兰建国于1788年了,固然说我们在科场上年夜概不晓得英格兰建国于哪一年,但一定不是1788年而应该更早,所以A,B,C都错了。D选项和E选项实在语法和逻辑都准确,可是D选项犯了个很小的语法习尚上的错误。普通同位语只用来润色句子的主语或宾语,而不能润色句子的隶属部分。D中a period作为同位语,润色了背面的状语a hundred years,所以错了。但这个错误极度之小,分开了这道题目通俗不用思量。
3.At the time of the Mexican agrarian revolution, the most radical faction, that of Zapata and his followers, proposed a return to communal ownership of land, to what had been a pre-Columbian form of ownership respected by the Spaniards.
(A) land, to what had been a pre-Columbian form of ownership respected by the Spaniards
(B) land, a form of ownership of the pre-Columbians and respected by the Spaniards
(C) land, respected by the Spaniards and a pre-Columbian form of ownership
(D) land in which a pre-Columbian form of ownership was respected by the Spaniards(A)
(E) land that had been a pre-Columbian form of ownership respected by the Spaniards
这道题目中A选项的what指导的从句是作为同位语出现的,而普通同位语出现都是准确谜底的标记,因为它很简练,指代工具也很清晰。有些同学年夜概会利诱为何加了个to,实在这个to恰是一个准确谜底的标记,它符合了介词只管即便补出的准绳。因为背面的构造是to communal ownership of land,为了使what润色communal ownership,所已往面补了个to ,如许就消弭了任何比方义,what只能润色ownership了。B选项and前后不对称,背面是一个名词尔背面是一个分词,C选项背面是个分词背面是个名词也不对称,所以都错了。D和E语法与逻辑没有年夜题目,可是思量到它们都用了定语从句,而A中的同位语是优于定语从句的,更况且A还用了介词只管即便补出的准绳,所以谜底选A。
关键字:gmat 语法 gmat语法题 初中二年级英语语法 英语二语法 自考英语二语法