乒乓交际史 Ping
One of the first public hints of improved U.S.-China relations came on April 6, 1971, when the American Ping-Pong team, in Japan for the 31st World Table Tennis Championship, received a surprise invitation from their Chinese colleagues for an all-expense paid visit to the People’s Republic. Time magazine called it "The ping heard round the world." On April 10, nine players, four officials, and two spouses stepped across a bridge from Hong Kong to the Chinese mainland, ushering in an era of "Ping-Pong diplomacy." They were the first group of Americans allowed into China since the Communist takeover in 1949.1971年4月6日,乒乓球已经作为中美干系敌对使臣,为两国干系的生长做出了凸起的供献。那时,美国的乒乓球队,在日本加入第31届乒乓球冠军赛事。他们惊讶地接遭到来自中国的约请,费用全由中国承当。正如纽约期间杂志所说,乒乓球的声响回荡全球!4月10日,9名队员,4名官员,两对夫妇登上了喷鼻香港连接年夜陆的桥梁,捧出了“乒乓交际”。他们便是从1949年新中国建立今后,第一批踏上中国土地的人们。
In various ping-pong games, the most famous is the world championship competition, which was held once a year at the beginning, now, it is held twice a year ever since 1957.
In 1904, a shanghai shop keeper called Wang Dao WU, brought 10 sets of table tennis tools home, the game was therein introduced to china.
关键字:ping pong ping pong playa the ping pong song ping pong ball diplomacy
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