0 ihunter 2010/06
The city of Glasgow stands on the River Clyde, it is Scotland's most populous city and is situated 44 miles(71 km) west of Edinburgh, 34 miles(55 km) north-east of Ayr, and 144 miles(232 km) south-west of Aberdeen. The area of the city is 175.1 sq. km(43,243 acres)。
Glasgow is on the same latitude as Moscow but because it is close to the warm Atlantic Ocean shores and lies in the path of a prevailing westerly wind, it has a significantly more moderate climate. Glasgow in fact enjoys a very stable climate with quite warm summers and mild winters. Glasgow - and the west of Scotland - tends to be more cloudier than the rest of the country, however, the city is also warmer than most of Scotland as it is sheltered by hills to the north and south-west.格拉斯哥坐落在克莱德河沿岸,它是苏格兰生齿最多的都会,离爱丁堡西44英里(71公里),Ayr东北部34英里(55公里),阿伯丁东北部144英里(232公里)。这个都会道积175.1平方千米(43243英亩)。

关键字:格拉斯哥 格拉斯哥年夜学 格拉斯哥漂泊者 英国格拉斯哥年夜学 格拉斯哥凯尔特人
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