wrapping IT包装纸
on end一连赓续地和默示时候的词连用
at length末了,终于
in full全部地
in time及时,不迟
The two scholars worked at the task of writing a preface to the new dictionary for three hours on end last night.
I can’t read the marks and notes Jim made in the margin. They are too faint. (不清晰的,恍惚的润色笔迹。)
ck is very knowledgeable about wines.杰克对酒很外行。
excuse sb. from (doing) sth.理睬不(加入)某活动用主动语态
I beg to be excused from your nephew’s wedding.我恳求不往加入你侄子的婚礼。
He ought to attend the meeting, shouldn’t he ?
当should和ought to作“应该”之意时,可交换,默示推论。但在疑问句中通俗不用ought to而用should,好比:Should we begin?而不会用Ought we to begin?
make charges for是词组,意为对……免费,索价。
Doctors often make higher charges for their works than they should.
His name was on the top of my tongue, but I just couldn’t remember.
I caught a glimpse of the name of the book before she put it into the drawer.
All too soon it was time to go back to school after the Spring Festival.
He handled the company in collaboration with his brother.
Jean could be a very attractive girl but she pays no attention to her clothes.这里第一句默示假造,后一句默示现在的真实情况。
have a campaign,chance,courage,opportunity,right to do sth.
To survive in the intense market competition, we must gear(使……合适,共同)the qualities and varieties of products we make to the world-market demand.
In view o(思量到,鉴于)his poor record in school, the board thinks that he should study hard.
Shakespeare is the favorite of mine.
We hadn’t expected a power cut so we were astonished when the whole house was plunged into darkness.我们并未料到会停电,所以当整个房子一会儿变得乌黑时我们年夜吃一惊。
关键字:专升本教诲班 专升本教诲 山东专升本教诲班 山科院专升本教诲班 专升本英语教诲
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