奥兰多迪斯尼世界-Magic Kingdom
0 ihunter 2010/06
奥兰多迪斯尼世界-Magic Kingdom
The centerpiece of Walt Disney World's Orlando Resort is the Magic Kingdom. Opening in 1971, the Magic Kingdom is home to some of the most famous rides and attractions that the world has ever known. Millions flock from around the world each year to enjoy such timeless classics as "It's a Small World" and Dumbo The Flying Elephant, or experience exhilarating thrills on Space Mountain or Splash Mountain.One of the most recognizable features of Disney's Magic Kingdom is Cinderella's Castle. Upon entering the park, visitors can't help but take in the majesty of the nearly 200 foot tall tower welcoming them to Disney's magical world. Inside the castle, intricate glass mosaics tell the ageless tale of Cinderella with an artistic flair. Character dining, another one of Disney's most popular features, is also available inside Cinderella's Castle. The Once Upon A Time breakfast at Cinderella's Royal Table is Disney's most sought after ticket. The park takes reservations weeks in advance, and they are often necessary to enjoy the excitement of breakfast with many of Disney's most well known characters.Walt Disney did not live to see the completion of his dream, the opening of Orlando's Walt Disney World Resort. However, his brother, Roy, in his dedication of the park, reminded all that it was Walt's vision and philosophy that served as the inspiration for the Magic Kingdom. This important message is carried on a plaque which still today sits at the entrance to Main Street, U.S.A. It announces to all who visit that they are about to enter a magical land of joy and inspiration unlike any place they've ever been before.迪士尼世界之奇妙王国(Magic Kingdom),迪士尼乐园是一个以米奇老鼠及IT人物为题材,再共同现代化先进科技而著名於世的乐园。重温儿童时曾拥有过的旧梦,如小小世界、白雪公主历险、加勒比海贼船、理想乐园、年夜熊乡、鲁宾逊漂泊记、老爷火车、巨马拖车、金银岛、鬼马幽灵、米奇老鼠之家、儿童乐园、潜水艇深海探险、太空飞船星空漫游、小飞侠探秘、西部老矿坑挖矿飞车、思古幽情之密西西比河渡轮、白雪公主与七个小矮人、星际列车、空中缆车、Alien年夜闹迷信城等。文娱性丰硕,老小皆宜。IT人归天妆IT和年夜型花车巡游,以及最新开放的水上飞车,重要而富有兴趣,一定令您乐不思蜀。旅游誉满全球的美高梅片场(MGM Studios),美高梅片场是一个集合现代化科技、音响、绝技於一身的梦境城,片场内有超级明星扮演,中国年夜剧场不雅观赏一些已经流行临时的片子片段、印地安琼斯魔宫传奇、音响配音处理间、星球年夜战、魔鬼升降机、四度空间立体片子、美人鱼传奇、火烧年夜峡谷、美女与野兽歌舞剧、忍者龟纽约街头战群魔等。

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