篮球磨炼知多少 Play Basketball
Basketball, the ultimate in team sports(最典范的团体活动), can be played indoors and out, on a court or in the park. It doesn’t cost a lot to play, it isn’t complicated, and once you know how to play it, you can hang a hoop(设置一个篮圈) just about anywhere.
Starting Out开始吧!
Basketball is a pretty IT game once you know a few rules. After you’ve learned the basic skills, you can walk up to any court and join a spontaneous pickup game(加进自发构造的一场角逐中往).
Target areas磨炼结果:
Basketball is a good cardiovascular exercise(心血管磨炼) and is great for building muscular endurance(耐力). Since the game requires a lot of starting, stopping and sprinting, it helps strengthen the lower body(下肢), especially the quadriceps(四头肌), hamstrings(腿筋), gluteus muscles(臀肌) and calves(小腿). Dribbling(带球) and shooting(投篮) develop muscles in the arms and shoulders. Obviously, the fitness benefits increase with the pace of the game(很显然,磨炼结果随活动节奏的加速而增加).Other pluses附加结果:Shooting hoops(投篮) increases your energy(膂力), stamina(耐力) and coordination(和谐本领) and thus can make other aerobic activities, such as walking, running and in-line skating, easier(因此,可以使别的有氧健身活动更随便). Also, the goal of scoring motivates players, because they forget they’re exercising(得高分的目标鼓励着打球者,使他们忘失落正在举行磨炼).The Warm-Up and Cool-Down热身举措和结束举措:Before you start shooting hoops(投篮), walk or bike to the court(球场) and spend a few minutes taking practice throws(练习掷球) or passing the ball around to your teammates(或给同伴们传球). It takes five to 10 minutes to warm up your muscles, get your heart rate elevated(心跳加速) and break a sweat (a sign that you’re ready to proceed). After the game, take time to cool down(平静上去): Allow your heart rate to descend gradually(逐步减缓) by strolling around the court(绕球场漫步) or walking home(步辇儿回家).Be sure to stretch the following major muscle groups after you warm up(确保使以下的肌肉在热身后获得舒展)to prevent injury and again after exercising(磨炼后也是如斯) to promote flexibility(以便提高柔韧性) and prevent soreness(防止酸痛):Biceps(二头肌), Calves(小腿), Gluteus muscles(臀肌) (a.k.a.(又叫作...) glutes), Hamstrings(腿筋), Quadriceps(四头肌) (a.k.a. (又叫做) quads), Triceps(三头肌)
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