0 ihunter 2010/06
"The Origins of Tennis" told us: most historians credit the first origins of the game to 11th or 12th century French monks, who began playing a crude handball against their monastery walls or over a rope strung across a courtyard.
The nobility learned the game from the monks later, and some accounts report as many as 1800 courts in France by the 13th century. The game became such a popular diversion, both the Pope and Louis IV tried unsuccessfully to ban it. It soon spread to England, where both Henry VII and Henry VIII were avid players who promoted the building of more courts.
By the year 1500, a wooden frame racquet strung with sheep gut was in common use, as was a cork-cored ball weighing around three ounces. The early tennis courts were quite different from the modern "lawn tennis" court most of us are used to. The early game matured into what is now called "real tennis," and England’s Hampton Court, built in 1625, is still used today. Only a handful of such courts remain. It’s a narrow, indoor court where the ball is played off walls that include a number of openings and oddly angled suITces toward which the players aim for various strategic purposes. The net is five feet high on the ends, but three feet in the middle, creating a pronounced droop.在1500年,一种木制的用羊肠子环绕胶葛的拍子被发明并且获得遍及使用。同时另有一种软木内核重3盎司的球也获得的使用。那时的园地和现在草坪网球的园地年夜不相通。早期的网球演化为今日的网球,其中英国的HAMPTON网球场建于1625年,本日仍旧被利用着。现在如许的陈腐园地所存不多了。这种园地很狭隘,室内型,其计划仍旧是为了网球玩家把球投向墙壁,墙壁有的中央年夜概向前凸起,为了玩家的特别本领所计划。网子两端有25英尺高,而中心只要三英尺,呈清楚下坡趋势。
The game’s popularity dwindled almost to zero during the 1700s, but in 1850, Charles Goodyear invented a vulcanization process for rubber, and during the 1850s, players began to experiment with using the bouncier rubber balls outdoors on grass.
这种活动在1700年,已经销声匿迹,可是在1850年,Charles Goodyear发了然一种硫化制造橡胶的工艺,在那时,球员们开始尝试在草坪上玩这种新式球。
An outdoor game was, of course, completely different from an indoor game played off walls, so several new sets of rules were formulated.

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