0 ihunter 2010/06
M: Good morning, Can I help you?
W: Yes, good morning, I’ve just got a few questions, I wonder if you can help me sort them out. M: I’ll see what I can do.
W: Can you tell me when Sudeley Castle, Sudeley? We want to go there this morning.
M: Yes,of course. Sudeley Castle, Sudeley, I think it’s open all day, someone asked me this a week or so ago. Here we are, I’ve got the guide, yes, it’s open from 11 in the morning until 5 in the afternoon, well not quite all day, but morning and afternoon.
W: Eleven to five, OK, that’s great. Er, can you tell me how much it costs to get in?
M: Yes, it costs£4.50 fot adults and£3.00 for children. It sounds a bit expensive but there’s a lot to do there. I think it’s worth the money.
W: OK, now another question: what exactly is Snowshill Manor? What can you see there?
M: Oh, it’s a museum, an absolutely fascinating collection of all sorts of things, like clocks and cabinets, and all kinds of swords and masks.
W: Masks? Well, the kids will like them. Do you pay to get into this museum?
M: Yes, you do, I think it’s about three pounds fifty.
W: Is it open this time of year?
M: Yes, it’s open until the end of September, so there are a few weeks before it closes.
W: Right, we’ll try it. Thank you very much for the information.
M: Enjoy your visit. Good-bye.
[Pause 00’30"]
W: Now you will hear the recording again.
[The recording is repeated.]
[Pause 00’20"]
W: That is the end of Part A.
1. 11/eleven 2.4.50 3.masks 4.3.50 5.october
题型申明:PETS-4级测验年夜纲明白指出,PETS-4听力测试的第一节为表格填空题。表格题重要测试考生听写的本领,考生做这类题目时,考生一定要留意题目所要求的字数限制为1个单词。表格中的空白通俗为人名、地名、数字、国籍以及别的一些实义名词、动词和描述词等,而其他一些虚词,像a, the可以不计算进内,好比说a flower可以计算为一个词,可是a beautiful flower便是两个词了;而一些数字,好比电话号码(33433438)大概一个年夜数10,000,000(ten millions)都只是看成一个词;偶尔空白处要填进数字时,好比1991,有些考生执意要将谜底写成nineteen ninety-one,也未尝不可,可是一定要将每个单词都拼写准确,不然得不到分。表格中偶尔会出现一些a.m.大概一些货泉的标记。这是命题者为了防止考生年夜概没有留意到字数的限制,而将听到的完整信息全部写了上去,会被视为错误而扣分而专门计划的,因此,在添补表格时一定要留意表格的格式以及字数限制。
关键字:四级高分 英语四级高分 英语四级若何拿高分 大众英语四级 大众英语四级测验
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