Leeds city rail station, just off City Square in central Leeds, has the highest number of passengers of any station outside central London. Over 7,000 people arrive at the city station in the morning peak period.
Leeds is the hub of the local West Yorkshire rail network which contains 65 local train stations, operated by Metro. Metro(West Yorkshire's Passenger Transport Executive) is the co-ordinating body for public transport in West Yorkshire. It is funded by the five West Yorkshire local authorities for Leeds, Bradford, Kirklees, Calderdale and Wakefield. Metro aims for half hourly or better services all day on all rail lines throughout West Yorkshire.For online rail timetables, route maps, station locations and fare information, follow the link to visit the Metro website. The online journey planner allows you to plan routes and connections between any two locations in West Yorkshire, using any form of local public transport.Metroline on 0113 245 7676(0800 - 1900 Mon - Sat, 0900 - 1730 Sun) also provides details of local train times and routes. The Metro rail travel information centre is based at Leeds city rail station, off City Square in central Leeds.For timetable details of inter-city and longer distance journeys by rail, visit the National Rail Enquiries website at 里兹饭店 里兹卡尔顿 里兹旅店 英国里兹 英国里兹年夜学
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