extreme tourism (极限旅游)
0 ihunter 2010/06
extreme tourism (极限旅游)
暑期就要到了,良多冤家年夜概又在计划出游的路途(itinerary)或是出游的体例。有些人喜好加入由旅游社包办的旅游项目(packaged tour),有些人则偏好自己独行(venture out)。
无论是老小皆宜的休闲旅行(leisure travel),照旧旨在扩展视野的他乡之旅(exotic travel),只需有一些时候、款项、精神、表情或同行同伴,尽年夜年夜都的冤家一定会选择外出旅游。
比年来,有一种旅游吸引了不少人,那便是:extreme tourism(极限旅游)。
单从称呼上,我们就可以晓得这种旅游不是老小皆宜、百口欢式的轻松之旅。“extreme”一词意味着“极度、极度、狠恶”,而extreme tourism也恰是指如许的一种旅游体例:
“Tourism that involves travelling to dangerous places or participating in dangerous events.”
"Ah, vacation! Balmy breezes, ice-cold margaritas, compliant snipers. Snipers? Yep. The newest kick for jaded tourists who have hit all the world's hot spots is to hit the world's really hot spots. The idea behind what some are calling terror travel or extreme tourism is basically to take the U.S. State Department's travel advisory warning list and make an itinerary out of it."—Justin Doebele, "Club Dead," Forbes, December 15, 1997看来还真有一批胆年夜的人,政府部分发出旅游警示,发起巨匠不要往的中央,恰恰是这些无畏人士心仪憧憬之目标地。
宁愿答应或可以奔赴这种极限之旅的人颇有一种“明知山中有老虎,方向虎山行”的风格。不知这是一种勇于挑衅的IT,照旧一种甘受自虐的心理。无论如何,“平安第一(S- First)”老是出行时需要服膺的一句话。

关键字:极限户外旅游 extreme tourism extreme ways core2 extreme
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