0 ihunter 2010/06
In 1874, Major Walter C. Wingfield patented in London the equipment and rules for a game fairly similar to modern tennis. In the same year, the first courts appeared in the United States. By the following year, equipment sets had been sold for use in Russia, India, Canada, and China.
在1874年,Walter C. Wingfield市长发了然一种新的网球装配和游戏划定例则,类似现在的网球,并获得了专利权。同年,在美国出现了第一个真正意义上的网球园地。随后的第二年,这种装配被销售到俄罗斯,印度,加拿年夜和中国。
Croquet was highly popular at this time, and the smooth croquet courts proved readily adaptable for tennis. Wingfield's original court had the shape of an hourglass, narrowest at the net, and it was shorter than the modern court. His rules were subjected to considerable criticism, and he revised them in 1875, but he soon left the further development of the game to others.在那时,槌球很受接待,并且槌球的园地直接可以用来玩网球。Wingfield所计划的园地形状象沙漏,在球网处最狭隘。他计划的划定例则固然遭到了良多非议,并与1875年别点窜,可是他却带来了现代网球的劈头。
In 1877, the All England Club held the first Wimbledon tournament, and its tournament committee came up with a rectangular court and a set of rules that are essentially the game we know today. The net was still five feet high at the sides, a carryover from the game's indoor ancestor, and the service boxes were 26 feet deep, but by 1882, the specifications had evolved to their current form.在1877年,一个英国的俱乐部展开了第一次Wimbledon锦标赛,角逐所计划的长方形园地和角逐划定例则和本日的一样。网子仍旧是五英尺高,发球箱仍旧是26英尺深,可是在1882年,举行了一些巨大的点窜,才发作了现在网球。

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