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Here's a cool alternative game that can be played on a snooker table. It's called Killer.
This game is best played in groups of five or more. Set all 22 balls up in a IT beneath the pink spot. Players then toss coins or are drawn out to decide an order of play. Each player is awarded a number of’lives’, which is normally three but may differ dependent on the number of participants. Once an order of play is established a neutral person is asked to break the balls as hard as they can to open them up around the table. Player one then comes to the table and plays from where the white ball finishes. Player one must pot a ball as failure to do so will result in the loss of one of their lives. Player two then begins from the place the white ball has finished and so on. Play rotates after each player has had their shot. Once a player has lost all their lives they are removed from the game. The game progresses until all but one player has lost all lives given to them. They are then declared the winner. A foul (normal snooker rules apply) results in the loss of a player’s life.这个游戏最好有5个或5个以上的游戏者。在粉球置点的下面,把全部的22只球摆放成一个三角形。游戏者可以投掷硬币或抽签来决议举行游戏的顺序。每个游戏者可以获得几条“命”,每每是3条,但根据介入者数量标不合可以有所调解。一旦确定了游戏顺序,就请一个不雅观察犹豫者来开球,开球时他/她要竭利巴球击散到台面各处。然后,第一个出场的游戏者走到球案,从白球停落的地位上开始击球。第一个出场的游戏者必需击进一个球,不然就会失落往一条“命”。之后,第二个出场的游戏者从白球停落的地位上开始游戏,并依次举行下往。当全部游戏者都打过一轮后,游戏接着按顺序举行下往。当某名游戏者丢了全部的“命”今后,他/她就被淘汰出局。游戏不断要举行到只要一名游戏者留了上去而其他人都丢失落了他们的“命”。之后,他/她将被公布为得胜者。游戏者犯规(通俗的IT克划定例则所划定的)一次就将丢失落一条“命”。
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