0 ihunter 2010/06
Valencia City is a vibrant centre with a pretty old quarter– but is perhaps best known for its paella and the spring festival of Las Fallas, one of Spain's livliest fiestas. Enourmous papier-mache sculptures of historical figures and celebrities form the centrepiece to a week of parties, fireworks, concerts and bullfights. Valencia’s cathedral is also worth a visit. Climb to the top of its tower for a great view of the sprawling city. Away from the often sprawling resorts of the coastal area and into the heart of Valencia you will find a different world: one of palm groves, castles and rugged mountains. Those that venture away from the lure of the Costas are welcomed by a quieter, and far more Spanish series of ancient hilltop towns and villages which owe their origins to the region's Arab and Muslim settlers. Morella and Mirambel, in the north east corner of Valencia, are amongst the finest examplse of medieval towns. Indeed fortified towns, castles and medieval hamlets are everywhere in Valencia IT this the ideal destination for exploration– by car, on foot or by bicycle.巴伦西亚城是西班牙第三年夜都会,因其极精良的地理地位被誉为“地中海的明珠”,历史上曾作为地中海帝国财政都城而极度光辉,并拥有自己奇特的传统和说话,巴伦西亚人则以他们的团体主义、理性主义和发明力闻名世界。本日的巴伦西亚人固然没有巴斯克和加泰罗尼亚人那么激烈的IT认识,但在外埠照旧可以见到不合于西班牙要地当地的良多标记,乃至在通往马德里的高速公路上还写着英文“SPA IN”的方向指示牌。

关键字:地中海气候区的雨季 地中海的雨季 地中海气候的雨季 地中海气候的雨季在 地中海的雨季每每在
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