0 ihunter 2010/05


1.The Gustoms may“withhold”the goods connected with the smuggling cases.The word“withhold”has the similar meaning of the following words except_____ .

A. keep back B.detain C.refuse to give D.refund

2.The Customs will not______the restricted goods unless an import or export license is obtained

A. clear B. release C. sell D. buy

3.The operation of the storage,processing and assembling of the bonded goods and consignment sales should be approved by and registered_______the Customs.

A. For B. by C. from D. With

4.The goods which are carried into and out of the territory by the same vessel or aircraft are defined as_______.

A. transit goods

B. transshipment goods

C. through goods

D. import and export goods

5.the goods which have entered the territory,approved by the Customs as items for which no formalities are performed in the way of duty payment,and will be reshipped out of the territory after being stored,processed or assembled in the territory are defined as _______.

A. bonded goods

B. Through goods

C. Transshipment goods

D. Transit goods
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上篇: 中美探讨改进双边经济干系
下篇: 通胀预期升温 债市短期不惧
