0 ihunter 2010/05

    分贝 decibel

    申明 analysis

    申明及批驳学 analytical and critical studies

    申明器 analyzer

    分流器 shunt

    分界面;界面;接口 inteITce

    分厘卡 micrometer

    分规 divider

    朋分车刀架 parting tool holder

    分解 decomposition

    分压器 potential divider; voltage divider

    隔分开关 isolating switch

    切削工具 cutting tool

    切削液 cutting fluid

    切削深度 depth of cut

    切屑;碎屑 chip

    切线锯法 tangential sawing

    切辊纹;滚纹 knurling

    堵截;分切;朋分 parting off

    堵截工具 parting tool

    勾;勾脚 hook

    勾刀;胶片ឌ0;刀 plastic cutter

    化胶水 tensol

    反向偏压 reverse biased

    反相放年夜器 inverting amplifier

    反相器 inverter

    反射 reflection

    反电动势 back e.m.f.

    反应;回输 feedback

    天拿水;浓缩剂 thinner

    天梯牙;齿条 gear rack

    天然木材 natural timber

    天然枯燥法 air seasoning

    孔隙率 porosity

    尺寸 dimension

    尺寸线 dimension line

    尺身 blade

    引力;重力 gravitational force

    心形凸轮 heart-shaped cam

    心材 heartwood

    心轴 mandrel

    心销 core pin

    手工具 hand tool

    手工锯 junior hacksaw

    手削法 paring
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