1. 关照对方以开立声誉证 As you have confirmed the order, we have arranged with the Bank of China to open an L/C in your favor for the amount of US $150,000 in accordance with the trade terms stipula... /
2010-06-12 / 查看
6 次
1.关照对方以开立声誉证 as you have confirmed theorder, we have arranged with the bank of china to open an l/c in your favor for the amount of us $150,000 in accordance with the trade terms stip... /
2010-05-19 / 查看
7 次
1. 关照对方以开立 声誉证 As you have confirmed theorder, we have arranged with the Bank of China to open an L/C in your favor for the amount of US $150,000 in accordance with the trade terms s... /
2010-05-11 / 查看
191 次
1. 关照 对方以开立 声誉证 as you have confirmed theorder, we have arranged with the bank of china to open an l/c in your favor for the amount of us $150,000 in accordance with the trade terms ... /
2010-05-11 / 查看
8 次