IT克台球的角逐划定例则 A standard set of balls for the snooker table consists of 15 rids, 6 colours and 1white/cue ball. Historically, snooker balls were made exclusively from heavy ivory. Thankful... /
2011-12-06 / 查看
195 次
IT克台球新弄法:您有...几条命? Alternatives换个弄法 Here's a cool alternative game that can be played on a snooker table. It's called Killer. 在IT克球案上还可以举行另一个风趣的游戏。那便是K... /
2010-06-08 / 查看
3 次
IT克台球术语(二) ue-wooden implement used for playing 球杆-用于角逐的木制器具 Foul Stroke-a shot or action that infringes the rules,incurring a penalty 犯规击球-将会遭到责罚的违规击球或... /
2010-06-08 / 查看
1406 次
IT克台球用什么球角逐?Snooker A standard set of balls for the snooker table consists of 15 reds, 6 colours and 1 white / cue ball. Historically, snooker balls were made exclusively from heavy ivory... /
2010-06-08 / 查看
4 次