Jerusalem Jerusalem is arguably the world's most revered city. It's the city of King David(1,000 B.C.), the place of Christ's last ministry and crucifixion(钉去世于十字架), and the site wher... /
2010-06-08 / 查看
1 次
耶路撒冷(巴勒斯坦闻名古城) Jerusalem El Asqua Mosque and the Dome of the Rock Jerusalem is arguably the world's most revered city. It's the city of King David(1,000 B.C.), the place of ... /
2010-06-08 / 查看
1 次
Singapore (Singapore) The Cavenaugh Bridge is a must-see for visitor, especially newlyweds. According to Malay legend(马来传说), a Sumatran(苏门答腊人)prince encountered a lion - considere... /
2010-06-08 / 查看
6 次