Brasilia (Brazil) Fifty years ago, the spot where Brasilia now stands was nothing but cerrado(塞雷多,巴西Mina州的一个行政区)——short scrubby forest, stretching thousands of miles in every dir... /
2010-06-08 / 查看
4 次
百慕年夜群岛(北年夜泰西西部群岛) Bermuda(North America) Sailing is a popular pastime in Bermuda Even though a large number of people live on this small island, you should never feel crow... /
2010-06-08 / 查看
6 次
Bermuda (North America) Even though a large number of people live on this small island, you should never feel crowded. There are no billboards or neon signs, and relatively few cars to spoil the ..... /
2010-06-08 / 查看
7 次