奥运英语122 Do you think it will rain this weekend? 你以为这个周末会下雨吗? A The weather's not very good this week. A这个周末气候不太好。 B No, it is very grey and cold. Maybe it wi... /
2010-06-08 / 查看
325 次
奥运英语121 It's too hot to do anything. 本日太热了,什么也做不了。 A It's really hot today. A今灵活热。 B Yes, it's over 30 degrees. B是的,本日跨越了30度。 A I prefer it when i... /
2010-06-08 / 查看
403 次
奥运英语1000句:我想租一辆自行车 I'd like to hire a bike this weekend. 这个周末我想租一辆自行车。 A What are your plans for the weekend? A你这个周末的计划是什么? B I'd like to hire a b... /
2011-12-06 / 查看
277 次
澳年夜利亚布里斯班的Anise酒吧 This fabulous wine bar is located in the hip Brisbane suburb of New Farm and oozes cool. The wine list is more like a wish list and the French food is fabulous. The gi... /
2011-12-06 / 查看
1 次
奥运英语31 What are your plans for tomorrow? 你本日的计划是什么? 1 A What are your plans for tomorrow, Sue? A你本日的计划是什么,苏? BI'm not sure. Maybe visit the museum. Maybe go... /
2011-12-06 / 查看
3 次