营业外语教诲:法语常用针言 Tous les chiens qui aboient ne mordent pas. 会叫的狗不咬人。 Aide-toi,le ciel t’aidera. 自助者天佑。 C’est l’air qui fait la chanson. 锣鼓听声,说话听音... /
2010-06-11 / 查看
143 次
双语:若何写好奥斯卡感言 45 seconds. One billion viewers. Oscar winners are given one of the largest platforms in the world for public speech. Here are some tips for how to write good acceptance s... /
2010-06-08 / 查看
376 次
年夜学英语测验精读:第五册(UNIT7) Oliver Barrett IV, a Harvard student from a wealthy WASP family, fell in love with Jennifer, a Radcliff music major, daughter of a pastry chef of Italian descent... /
2010-06-08 / 查看
5 次