英语专业四级词汇冲刺练习第八期 Word apparatus : tools or equipment for special purpose. TYPICAL USE: The town has recently purchased some new fire-fighting apparatus. assert :say o... /
2010-06-08 / 查看
8 次
英语专业四级词汇冲刺练习第十九期 Word calculate : find out by arithmetic ;figure out TYPICAL USE: You must calculate all the advantages and disadvantages before coming to a discussion. gl... /
2010-06-08 / 查看
3 次
IT克台球术语(二) ue-wooden implement used for playing 球杆-用于角逐的木制器具 Foul Stroke-a shot or action that infringes the rules,incurring a penalty 犯规击球-将会遭到责罚的违规击球或... /
2010-06-08 / 查看
1406 次