西雅图最好的咖啡馆 coffee shops 1. Bauhaus Books and Coffee(Capitol Hill) Great place to spend an afternoon. Floor-to-ceiling used books and paintings on sale. Sit at a table downstairs and us... /
2011-12-06 / 查看
2 次
喷鼻香榭丽舍年夜街:流光溢彩极尽豪华 The Champs Elysees is one of the most famous streets in the world; line with its cinemas, cafe and luxury specialty shops. The sidewalks are incredibly wide a... /
2010-06-08 / 查看
4 次
奥运英语27 What's your hotel like? 你住的旅店什么样? 1 A What's your hotel like? A你住的旅店什么样? BIt's really nice. Good restaurants, a good coffee shop and a great gym. B我... /
2010-06-08 / 查看
1 次